A New Political Economy of Teacher Development: England as Eccentric Outlier or Game-changing Forerunner?
Professor Viv Ellis Dean, Faculty of Education Monash University Australia
Date: April 15, 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm (HKT)
"Is England an example of how the relationship between the state, public deliberative bodies, civil society bodies like universities, school districts, local authorities, local government school themselves... Is the case of England, specifically concerned with teacher development? Is this a kind of omen of what might come elsewhere in the world? … England and Chile as an example of education reform through privatization... it’s privatisation with an interesting political economy dimension."
With teacher quality so tightly linked to social outcomes and economic measures, teacher education is once again the focus of intense political and policy activity around the world. In this webinar, Professor Ellis will draw on data from the Political Economy of Teacher Education (PETE) project that reveals a new and distinctive situation in England where the state is seeking to exert even tighter control over what is taught to pre-service teachers, how and where, through a number of unprecedented and potentially innovative means. The webinar will raise the question: is the situation in England just a feature of the highly idiosyncratic policy sphere in England or a forerunner - or omen, even - of new developments around the world where states seek to use teacher education as a key economic, social as well as education policy tool.
About the Speaker
Professor Viv Ellis is a global expert on teacher education, having worked with government agencies and NGOs across the UK, Europe, Asia and Australia, most recently on the Norwegian government’s reforms to upper primary/lower secondary initial teacher education. Prior to Monash, he was the founding Co-Director of the Centre for Innovation in Teacher Education and Development, a strategic partnership between King’s College London and Teachers College, Columbia University, where he currently holds an honorary research professorship.